Pelvic pain occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvis area.  Individuals may experience pain continuously or it may also come and go.  The pain may be dull or sharp and of varying severity.  Sometimes the pain may be worse during urination, menstruation, or sexual activity.  There may be many causes of pelvic pain which are associated with the reproductive system of women; for example uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer, menstrual cramps, endometriosis, infection of the pelvic area, and ectopic pregnancy.  There are also many causes which are not related to the reproductive system like appendicitis, constipation, IBD, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, inguinal hernia, IBS, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, and inflammation of the prostate for men.  Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is pelvic pain which lasts more than 6 months and is usually stronger than would be expected from the injury or condition which initially caused the pain.  Individuals with CPP may have changes to their sleep, bowel movement frequency, appetite, mood, and energy.
Chronic Diarrhea