The Drossman Gastroenterology Practice is dedicated to providing extensive diagnostic and treatment services for patients with difficult to diagnose and manage gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders. Dr. Drossman and his team are available for appointments and consultations.

On the top menu under Patient Information, you’ll find the page to Request an Appointment. You’ll want to view New Patient Forms and fill those out before your appointment. You’ll also find our Frequently Asked Questions, Our Financial Policies and Insurance information, and our Patient Portal for you to use after you’ve come to visit us.

To read what other patients and doctors have written about working with DrossmanCare, view our Testimonials. We have a blog; it’s called Gut Feelings, and has extensive posts and videos, as well as a search feature to find exactly what you’re looking for. You’ll find an alphabetical list of posts; categories; and recent blog posts highlighted on the sidebar, or in the footer on your phone.

Patient Services

Services with an * may require a referral from your primary care physician or gastroenterologist.

Diagnostic Appointments*

Treatment Appointments*


   Click here to make an appointment.

Collaboration with Your Doctor

For forms, FAQs and more, visit Patient Information.

Gastroenterology Procedures

The following procedures are either performed in house or are referred to UNC where Dr. Drossman has an adjunct appointment.

Upper and lower endoscopy

Motility: Esophageal motility, anorectal motility, colon motility

Breath studies

Radiological and nuclear imaging

We take pride in listening to your questions, and value open communication with our patients. If there is ever anything that you would like to discuss about our medical services please do not hesitate to contact us.

Psychological Services

Drossman Gastroenterology has formed an affiliation with a team of psychologists who have expertise in working with us to help patients with GI disorders.  We may make a referral to any of these providers or others and you may also feel free to seek their services on your own.